By putting our investor’s equity first and leading in the field of acquisition and development.
Financial Business Network aims to deliver real-time results while cementing strategic goals for the future.
Our client’s interests always come first.
We are dedicated to complying fully with the letter and spirit of the laws, rules and ethical principles that govern our international business practices.
Our continued success is reliant upon unswerving adherence to this standard.
Our goal is to provide superior returns to our shareholders. Profitability is critical to achieving superior returns, building our capital, and expanding our partnerships and financial instruments.
We take great pride in the professional and ethical quality of the responsibility we have to our shareholders.
We have an uncompromising determination to achieve excellence in every equity investment we undertake on behalf of our clients and the Financial Business Network.
The Board of Directors and Financial Strategists of Financial Business Network have long recognized the importance of corporate oversight and governance practices to ensure an environment of transparency and strong accountability.
As one of our corporate cornerstones states: “Our most enduring assets are our people, equity, and reputation. Client satisfaction is the principle of these foundations”.
Our Business Code of Conduct and Ethics embodies our commitment to conduct our business in accordance with the highest ethical standards and in compliance with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations.
This applies to each employee, including members of our Board of Directors.
It is our policy that all information in our public communications, including our SEC filings and pending lodgments for platform public trading, will be fair, accurate, timely and understandable.
All employees and corporate partners who are involved in our disclosure process must act in a manner consistent with this policy.
Our investment model goals are to create:
- Fundamental Dividend Equity
- Fixed Equity Investment Returns
- Quantitative Investment Strategies
- Individual Project Investments
- Diversified Project Investment
Financial Business Network manages a range of strategies across market capitalization, investment styles, and emerging and developed markets.
Financial Business Network development projects are undertaken with a long-term view and seek to allocate capital to projects with shareholder-oriented returns and dividends.
Financial Business Network considers factors in fundamental investment decisions, leveraging both in-house qualitative research and external government and private equity data sources.
Financial Business Network uses a full set of analytical capabilities to research a variety of types of data (e.g. structured data, economic analysis, etc.) from a range of proprietary and external sources to identify potential development opportunities.
Development contracts that add sufficient incremental financial value are integrated into strategies managed by the senior management team.
Financial Business Network is an active owner, engaging with management and other investors to develop and drive long-term value.
We protect the investment assets of our clients and ensure their efficient use.
All Financial Business Network Companies’ assets are and will be used for legitimate business purposes that benefit and enrich the value of its holdings.
Financial Business Network adhered and exceeded the regulatory standards of capital requirements with 4Q17 CET1 ratios under the Standardized and Basel III Advanced approaches, respectively, reflecting the applicable transitional equity investment provisions.
In addition, substantially all of our development projects are marked to market or carried at amounts that approximate fair value as of 4Q17, which means our equity reflects the market value of our current and ongoing development projects.
Our financial strategy is comprehensive and is a conservative set of liquidity and funding policies that allow us to maintain significant flexibility to address specific and broader industry and or market liquidity stress events.
Our two principal liquidity and funding policies are based on the principles of:
- Excess liquidity refers to having sufficient currency or highly liquid instruments at our disposal to meet fiduciary responsibilities in a stressed environment.
- Asset-liability management refers to having a liability profile that has sufficient terms and diversification based upon the liquidity profile of our assets.